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2021: Special Issue - Faculty Development e Digital Scholarship: questioni di ricerca nell’istruzione superiore

The strategic role of the University for the improvement of the quality of educational contexts in the territory

gennaio 25, 2021


The universities have progressively dedicated more attention to the Third Mission activities (TM) (Serbati, 2014; Boffo & Moscati, 2015; Balduzzi & Vaira, 2018). Continuing training is one of the most interesting areas of TM, which involves the active involvement of university professors in identifying the training needs of the territory and in responding to them in a participatory and effective way.

The paper presents the results of an exploratory research carried out as part of the professional development path designed for three consecutive years by the University of Roma Tre in collaboration with the Regional School Office for Lazio.The survey involved 2390 teachers tutors of newly hired teachers (Fiorucci & Moretti, 2019) with the aim of consolidating knowledge and developing skills related to the planned tutoring activities (D.M. 850/2015). The data were collected through qualitative-quantitative tools.

The design of the training course has allowed to qualify the professional practices of tutors of newly hired teachers and to strengthen the relationship between the University, Regional School Office and educational institutions of the Lazio region.


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