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Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Processi Trasformativi e Sostenibili nei Contesti Educativi e Formativi. Per lo Sviluppo di una Pedagogia Impegnata

The Possible Dialogue Between Education and Neuroscience. A Survey on The Neuroeducational Practices of Teachers

settembre 30, 2021


The neuroscientific horizon corroborates the Educational Sciences by involving a real rethinking of teaching and learning processes in favor of quality educational paths. By probing the dialogic character of Neuroeducation, some neuroscientific evidence is reported that affirm the uniqueness of each brain; the neuropedagogical repercussions are analyzed and then turned to a survey carried out with a group of 1428 teachers from the Sicily region to analyze their educational and didactic practices based on the neuroeducational horizon. The analysis process highlighted some significant data that suggest a necessary training work in favor of neuroeducational principles. 


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