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V. 11 N. 1 (2020): Pedagogia dell'oggi: le sfide del presente. Percorsi di ricerca. Il tempo odierno del coronavirus

Production and entertainment. The modern imaginary between work and spectacle

30 marzo 2020


If production is the material axis of industrial revolutions, the spectacle is its intangible basis. At the beginning (second half of the 18th century), in Marxian terms, it was a superstructure used to feed and justify the structure. However, it quickly becomes the pulsating heart of modern societies. This is where the modern collective imagination really develops: mass culture. The cultural industry thus takes shape on the social body so as to spontaneously attach it to the order in force and, at the same time, to resemble it as much as possible. It also becomes a battlefield, the terrain where tactics of daily resistance to production are deployed.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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  14. Maffesoli M. (1988). Le temps des tribus. Le déclin de l’individualisme dans les sociétés de masse. Paris: Méridiens-Klincksieck.
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