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V. 8 N. 2 (2017): ESS - Rethinking the design process, rethinking the curriculum

Sustain resource teachers in the appropriation of the graphic organizer to facilitate the understanding of disciplinary texts among at risk students at the secondary level

14 aprile 2017


In Québec, the resource teacher role is assumed by secondary teachers without experience with at risk students or HDAA (MELS, 2006). Many of them say they have few ideas to sustain students or their teachers of different disciplines who deal with students with low literacy (Granger & Dubé, 2014; Granger, 2012). Our research shows that support for resource teachers for reading and writing strategies can develop a metacognitive dialog by using the graphic organizer, a high cognitive recognized strategy to improve student understanding in all disciplines (Schoenbach, Greenleaf & Murphy, 2012). This appropriation seems to better define the role of resource teachers both pedagogically than didactic.

Keywords: resource teacher, graphic organizer, at risk students, professionnal accompaniement, differentiated Instruction

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