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V. 7 N. 2 (2016): ESS - Alignment, attunement, co-activity, co-regulation. Convergent trajectories?

"Organizations’ choices when implementing an Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention program (EIBI)"

12 dicembre 2016


"The organizations’ characteristics and choices are essential components of an action plan that favors quality program implementation, a prelude to effectiveness, especially in natural environment. The objectives of this study are to describe the choices made by rehabilitation centers (CRDITED) in the context of a universal community based on Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention program (EIBI) for 2 to 5 year-old children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Québec (Canada). Based on a theoretical evaluation model, a questionnaire was filled out by 15 CRDITEDs, covering the large majority of the Quebec territory but also the Quebec population. Results show a great diversity between the different CRDITEDs. Factors that impact implementation quality are identified. Absence of evidence-based implementation practices and the diversity of the approaches to EIBI are discussed."

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