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V. 15 N. 2 (2024): Intelligenza Artificiale nella scuola e nella formazione universitaria. Rischi e opportunità

Unveiling the Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Humanistic Management in Enriching Higher Education: Insights from Italian and Mexican Universities

9 agosto 2024


In the rapidly evolving landscape of educational technologies, especially with the rise of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI), it is crucial to understand these concepts and effectively use these innovations to shape contemporary educational practices. This article delves into a comprehensive analysis of the strategic initiatives within academic institutions, predominantly focusing on humanities, law, economics, and socio-political sciences courses. A primary emphasis is placed on integrating soft skills and Artificial Intelligence (AI) competencies in Master’s programs, as existing literature highlights their critical role in enhancing employability and workplace performance. By exploring the strategies implemented by Italian and Mexican universities, the study provides valuable insights into the transformational approaches designed to enhance soft skills and AI competencies. The findings uncover significant differences and convergences, shedding light on the diverse responses of institutions to the evolving demands of the contemporary academic and professional landscape.

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