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V. 14 N. 2 (2023): Arte, moda e ambiente. Itinerari contemporanei fra paesaggi, curve e dossi epistemologici

New technologies and geographies in performing art: A study on environments and relationships in some recent shows in Europe

30 agosto 2023


Digitization has had a significant impact on live performance, specifically influencing the environments of representation and giving rise to new trends in performative language. Certain performances from the last fifteen years that have circulated in Europe are taken into consideration, experienced by audiences with various technological provisions (audio headphones, video conferencing, and 3D goggles) and outside traditional theater spaces. In light of certain theories about learning dynamics, a geo-relational approach is pursued to understand what potential formal evolutions could occur in the realm of performance with reference to the use of technologies, and in which cases the complexity of multisensory experience in traditional in-person theater has yet to be fully achieved.

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