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V. 14 N. 2 (2023): Arte, moda e ambiente. Itinerari contemporanei fra paesaggi, curve e dossi epistemologici

Technological trends, transformations, and new learning models: The San Francisco Bay Area case

22 agosto 2023


While it is true that technological, economic, and social trends also extend their influence on educational and learning models, it is also true that in certain areas of the world, where the vanguards are at home, this is more the case.

The case reported concerns the San Francisco Bay Area, an area that holds within it Silicon Valley, with over thirty world-leading technology companies and the best start-ups in the world.

It is an area where education does not take second place and where research also commits a large part of government and private entrepreneurs' profits. In the San Francisco Bay Area, development passes through a new idea of education.

Riferimenti bibliografici

  1. BASIC. Bay Area Science and Innovation Consortium (2019). The Bay Area Innovation System. Science and the Impact of Public Investment. San Francisco: Bay Area Council Economic Institute.
  2. Floridi L. (2014). The Onlife Manifesto: Being Human in a Hyperconnected Era. New York: Springer International Publishing.
  3. Hansen J. (2022). California, una grande Potenza. Italia Oggi, 279 del 26.11.2022, p. 13, (date of last consultation, August 8, 2023).
  4. Holley K.A. (2023). Perspectives on doctoral education in the United States: Challenges and paths forward. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, (60)5: 775-783.
  5. Kars-Unluoglu S. (2016). How do we educate future innovation managers? Insights on innovation education in MBA syllabi. Innovation, (18)1: 74-98.
  6. Watzlawik P., Beavin J. H., Jackson D. D. (1971). Pragmatics of Human Communication. A Study of Interactional Patterns, Pathologies, and Paradoxes. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.


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