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Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020): Pedagogia dell'oggi: le sfide del presente. Percorsi di ricerca. Il tempo odierno del coronavirus

Reducing implicit prejudice in classroom: A training with preservice teachers

marzo 30, 2020


The school context can be considered as a privileged place where it is possible to answer to our time complexity, promoting a metamorphosis in the learningteaching relationship (Morin, 2001). Administrating multicultural classrooms requires different skills to allow teachers to promote interculturalism and inclusion, accounting the differences in terms of culture, competence, gender and sensitivity which characterize those contexts. 

The paper shows setting and results of a training to reduce ethnic prejudice on preservice teachers in Sapienza, University of Rome. One of the aims was to reduce preservice teachers’ implicit and explicit prejudice and, in a wider perspective, to promote their intercultural competences.


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