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Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020): Pedagogia dell'oggi: le sfide del presente. Percorsi di ricerca. Ricchezza e pluralità dell'indagine contemporanea

Reflecting on gender, a formation proposal for Physical Education teachers

febbraio 28, 2020


In a Physical Education class, practices can reflect a teacher’s assumptions and beliefs that are generally created in heterosexually normed contexts that don't  consider alternative gender conceptions. The recognition of socio- cultural gender influences requires a reflective process that can lead the way to the deconstruction of stereotypes and to didactic actions. However reflexivity is a “habitus” that can be achieved and improved trough practice. The aim of this contribution is to outline a training/ learning proposal for Physical Education teachers or perspective teachers, starting from a reflexive approach to gender . Studies of reflective practice are growing in the Physical Education and sports literature. Nevertheless, it is paramount for Physical Education teachers critically reflect on the political and ethical dimensions of teaching and learning, including gender’s dimension. The inclusion of such reflective practices in the curricula of Physical Education University Degrees and increasing Physical Education teachers’ awareness of gendered discourses and practices is an effective step in the process of gender reform in education.  The pedagogical idea of a reflexive workshop for Physical Education teachers deserves, therefore, careful attention.


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