Unaccompanied foreign minors represent a significant part of migratory flows in Italy not only from a numerical point of view, but also for the characteristics and peculiarities that distinguish them. Firstly, this paper provides an account of the statistical trend of these foreign minors. Subsequently, it examines the complex conditions of these minors from a legal and socio-educational perspective to understand their real needs that should be satisfied in order to guarantee them a good reception and an effective integration. Therefore, the article also analyses the latest laws regarding unaccompanied foreign minors to highlight the problems and ambivalences to be overcome in order to create an effective reception system. Finally, the author focuses on the figure of the so-called “voluntary guardian” (“tutore volontario”). The current legislation provides that the guardian guarantees the protection of the minor. Moreover, the author proposes that this guardian should assume an educational value and that, therefore, he should acquire specific educational and intercultural skills to understand the minor’s needs and promote his full integration.