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Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020): Pedagogia dell'oggi: le sfide del presente. Percorsi di ricerca. Ricchezza e pluralità dell'indagine contemporanea

Homeschooling and prefigurative culture in Italy

marzo 30, 2020


Despite the vast research carried out by scholars abroad, little has been said about homeschooling in Italy, where it is becoming a viable choice for several families. Through an ethnographic approach, the author investigated the main motivations and the parental ethnotheories this choice is influenced by. The homeschooling movement is heterogeneous, but some similarities can be seen in a particular perception of the parental responsibility and in a critical and reflective attitude. The parents want to foster children’s self-confidence, creativity and curiosity as useful tools to face an opaque future.

Moreover, studying the homeschooling families allows the author to address broader changes in the parenting culture and in the cultural transmission processes happening in contemporary Italy, like the emergence of the prefigurative culture.

Several questions remain unexplored and need an empirical approach. A pedagogical perspective is especially requested in order to clear up the specific features of this phenomenon.


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