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Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020): Pedagogia dell'oggi: le sfide del presente. Percorsi di ricerca. Il tempo odierno del coronavirus

Education research in front of migration challenge: Learning potential and life plan of Ivorian youth

March 30, 2020


Among the problems of the contemporary, structural or emerging, human mobility and the relationship between migratory phenomena and development processes certainly represent challenging areas for reflection and educational research. The contribution is part of the most recent debate on the pedagogy of migration and migration studies on the concepts of causes, determinants and drivers of migration. The authors adopt a holistic and systemic perspective to interpret the migratory phenomenon in a pedagogical perspective. They explore how the combination of individual variables and contextual factors lead the subject to develop a migration aspiration and to look elsewhere for the possibility of personal and professional self-fulfillment. The results of this exploratory research carried out in the Ivory Coast are presented. The research has focused on analysis the potential for knowledge underlying the migratory projects of young people. The study highlights the potential of an integrated subject/context approach, capable of also considering aspirations, skills and expectations, for the definition of educational actions aimed at supporting aware life projects, both in the contexts of origin and in those of destination.


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