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Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020): Pedagogia dell'oggi: le sfide del presente. Percorsi di ricerca. Ricchezza e pluralità dell'indagine contemporanea

Bullying between "do it yourself fear" and inclusive school: Evolving routes

marzo 30, 2020


This contribution addresses the bullying issue placing it culturally within post-modern society. Fear, characterised by liquidity and contingency, become one of the manifestations of humanity today, with all the defence mechanisms that are consciously and not activated even among the youngest. The phenomenon of bullying, in its complexity, can be read as an expression of the "do-it-yourself fear", a mixed reaction, of attraction and repulsion towards the diversity and weakness of the other, difficult to manage even in relation to one’s own fragility. The numbers of bullying in our country are decreasing but if contextualized within the inclusive system that characterizes us for more than forty years, still too significant. Perhaps there is something that still needs to be put in place in terms of inclusive cultures and practices to enable any diversity to be recognised and promoted. The challenges of basic training of teachers, integrated planning of the class and educational care are possible areas for investment.


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