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Vol. 8 No. 2 (2017): ESS - Rethinking the design process, rethinking the curriculum

ALIA.The initial training of educators for Early Childhood Education and Care in Italy: normative and curricular aspects

dicembre 23, 2017


The quality of educational services for childhood depends structurally on the professional competences of the educators who work in them: these competences have also matured within the services, but are primarily connected with the training paths that open up to the exercise of the profession. Recent regulations have made compulsory for educators in the 0-3 range to have an initial university training course within the L-19 degree class. This provision finds the universities at least partially prepared to face the consequent training challenge, but in a context that sees a strong heterogeneity of offer. The article, starting from a brief normative survey, identifies the fundamental characteristics of a possible academic curriculum for early childhood educators, based on hypotheses advanced in recent months. This hypothesis is then compared with the current reality of the degrees activated in Italy in the L-19 class, identifying the coherence and the reasons for problematics in the relationship between the actual situation and the new training request that is demanded to the courses themselves in this sector.

Keywords: University; Educators; Competence; ECEC


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