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Vol. 15 No. 2 (2024): Artificial Intelligence in Schools and University Education: Risks and Opportunities

The scientific debate on Artificial Intelligence in education: A scoping review on the approaches and trends of pedagogical research in Italy

settembre 19, 2024


In recent years, the educational field has witnessed growing attention to AI and its impact on teaching and learning. The paper presents a scoping review aimed at analyzing the main theoretical and empirical research trends and topics in Italian pedagogical literature from 2014 to 2024. The goal is to highlight              national scientific production, which is often underrepresented in international mappings that prioritize articles indexed in global repositories, overlooking the diversity of national pedagogical research. The analysis reveals an increasingly broad and diverse debate, documented in articles published in Italian Class broad and diverse debate, documented in articles published in Italian Class A ANVUR journals (11/D).


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  2. Allodola V.F. (2024). Studi e riflessioni storico-pedagogiche sulle tecnologie inclusive: dalla Teoria della Mente all’Intelligenza Artificiale. Studium Educationis-Rivista semestrale per le professioni educative, (1): 16-25.
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  8. Bilotti U., Campitiello L., Todino M. D., and Sibilio M. (2023). Emulation and understanding the emotion according to Generative Artificial Intelligence - Case study of emotional component extracted from visual artworks. Journal of Inclusive Methodology and Technology in Learning and Teaching, 3(4).
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  13. Cittadini A, Biancalani A., Nobiloni F., Morsanuto S., and Peluso Cassese F. (2024). “Real feeling”: exploring the educational relationship in the era of artificial intelligence. Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics, 8(2).
  14. Costantino V. (2024). L’educazione estetica e l’intelligenza artificiale nella scuola inclusiva. Educrazia 2(2).
  15. Cudicio A., Sangalli S. (2024). L’intelligenza artificiale nella personalizzazione dell’educazione fisica: uno studio di due anni. Giornale Italiano di Educazione alla Salute, Sport e Didattica Inclusiva, 8(2).
  16. Cukurova M., Luckin R., and Kent C. (2020). Impact of an artificial intelligence research frame on the perceived credibility of educational research evidence. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 30(2): 205-235.
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  19. Ellerani P., & Ferrari L. (2024). Il contributo degli ecosistemi di AI generativa nella micro-progettazione didattica: opportunità e limiti. Formazione & insegnamento, 22(1): 117-124.
  20. European Commission (2021). Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonized rules on artificial intelligence (AI Act).
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  23. Fogliata A., Ambretti A. (2024). Advanced Motor-Sports Didactics: The Embodied (Artificial) and Peripheral Vision. Journal of Inclusive Methodology and Technology in Learning and Teaching, 4(1).
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  26. Guerriero M. A., Moscatelli F., & di Padova M. (2024). Integrating the use of artificial intelligence (ai) to promote physical activity: the effects on lifestyle and academic performance of university students. A literature review. Italian journal of health education, sport and inclusive didactics, 8(2).
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