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Vol. 15 No. 2 (2024): Artificial Intelligence in Schools and University Education: Risks and Opportunities

Innovations in the classroom: How AI is transforming teach-ing and learning

settembre 10, 2024


In a world where digital is increasingly giving way to artificial intelligence (AI), especially generative intelligence, schools and universities are having to reflect on the impact of these transformations on teaching methodologies and different learning methods. This paper, through the evidence emerging from studies on the topic and the presentation of a chatbot developed by the Learning Sciences Institute, a research team at the University of Foggia, intends to explore the opportunities and limits that artificial intelligence offers to students and the latter without replacing them. Starting from this question, a series of good practices to be implemented in the world of education are examined, in order to promote shared training between multiple actors and innovate an increasingly inclusive and cutting-edge school.


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