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Vol. 15 No. 2 (2024): Artificial Intelligence in Schools and University Education: Risks and Opportunities

Alliance between eSports and Generative Artificial Intelligence. Analysis of major competitive video games through an evaluation rubric.

settembre 10, 2024


This paper shows the data obtained from research to trace the link between learning and egaming, considering the importance of recent digital advances dictated by contemporary society. In recent years, the exponential growth of technology and the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have changed how we play games while retaining strategic importance in mental, formative, emotional, and social development at school and in informal spaces. In this regard, the essay aims to explore, through a specifically constructed evaluative rubric, how Generative Artificial Intelligence (AIGen) applied to modern eSports, has a high pedagogical and formative value for primary and secondary school students, enhancing the impact on the design of the ludic narrative, the training of players and the experience of those who merely observe.


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