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Vol. 15 No. 2 (2024): Artificial Intelligence in Schools and University Education: Risks and Opportunities

Teachers’ perceptions on the introduction of Generative AI in schools: A mixed-method study on the opinions of 1,223 teachers in the Veneto Region, Italy

agosto 31, 2024


Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is gaining momentum in schools as a means of support to the teaching and learning process. However, its use poses several controversial questions, especially in lower school grades, and teachers might often face ethical or intellectual obstacles preventing them from using AI in their classes. This study explores the perceptions of a sample of 1,223 teachers across subjects of instruction from 572 schools in the regional context (nursery, primary, lower and upper secondary), using a mixed-method approach. Results suggest that there is a widespread confusion on the possible applications of GenAI in education, possibly leading to reduced teachers’ intention to integrate these tools in their practices. Results also point towards a general need for more CPD on the topic. Age, level of school and subject of instruction were found to moderate the effect of teachers’ perceived readiness to use GenAI. Regarding possible negative implementations of GenAI, teachers showed to have mixed opinions, from open contrast to unreserved enthusiasm. Limitations of the study and future research lines are also addressed.


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