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Pratiche didattiche inclusive. Metodi, tecniche, strumenti di intervento

No. 2-Special (2021): Didattica speciale e trasformazioni organizzative. Ricerche in corso

Assessment of dysfunctional attitudes: Towards body pedagogy as an inclusive too

novembre 19, 2021


2020 presented itself as the year of change and the adaptation of man to a “suspended life”, a year marked by fears, sacrifices, distances and new habits.

From these changes, the need for new challenges arises, both socially and pedagogically. The pandemic from COVID-19 has forced schools and universities, in a short time and with numerous difficulties, to devise new strategies to meet the new needs. The teaching-learning process is a process that needs time and modalities depending on the needs of the learner, and this period has certainly seen the potential of digital as a supportive medium and as a mediator of knowledge.

In particular, the university has seen in most universities, almost all of the educational activities in online mode. In this research we consider the effects produced by the pandemic conditions, of council with the usual and disparate stimuli deriving from the academic life, from the study, from the interaction that is no longer direct, but mediated between students and teachers.

In this regard, an evaluation was conducted on a group of 405 university students using the Idea Inventory test (Kessinove, 1977) to assess the emergence of certain behaviors in relation to others or to issues in a time that has seen different deprivations on all levels, especially in the social. This led to the need to consider and move towards a pedagogy of the body (Gamelli, 2011): a didactic and educational approach that aims to enhance and enhance the role of corporeality in learning contexts (Sibilio, 2011).


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