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temi e progetti

No. 106 (2023)

On the border. Varosha refugee maps reveal a forgotten city

  • Nausicaa Pezzoni
settembre 23, 2024


This essay, the following one, and the related interview, discuss the spatial dimensions of memory in the abandoned city of Varosha, the Greek neighborhood of the city of Famagusta on the island of Cyprus.  It commences by examining the geopolitical context that led to the island’s separation into two different entities, and it presents research that lays the groundwork for the future development of today’s ‘ghost town’. The relationship between the inhabitants uprooted from Famagusta in 1974 and their city is reactivated through mind maps – a tool used to unveil a forgotten place. The work fits into the line of research initiated by Kevin Lynch, who used mind maps to explore the perceived structure of cities. The Famagusta mind maps highlight the meanings attributed by the original inhabitants to their places: fundamental information that aids in imagining a future for that territory.


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