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Contributi Scientifici

No. 52 (2018)

IBM dip: Modulo breve di intervento riabilitativo orientato alla Mindfulness per utenti polidipendenti stabilizzati in regime ambulatoriale

  • Paolo de' Lutti
ottobre 1, 2019


The presented paper proposes a short module for small groups of polydependent patients in the phase of stabilization in an outpatient regime with use of mindfulness techniques. By the HANDS Associations (agreement with Healthcare Company of Bolzano) 35 patients were studied, divided into 6 different groups, during 2017 and 2018 years. The module named IBM dip. was proposed to patients with alcohol dependence associated or not, with compulsive gambling or drug addiction, and was structured in 6 consecutive weekly sessions lasting 90 minutes, conducted by a psychotherapist and mindfulness teacher. The respons in terms of partecipation was good, and important indications emerged, connected to the developement of qualityes such as awarness and motivation to change, important elements in a rehabilitation path from addictions. The short intervention is indicated for patients in the outpatient phase and dose not replace the consolidated MBRP method, more suitable for residential periods.


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