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Contributi Scientifici

No. 52 (2018)

L’esperienza clinica con Levometadone nel trattamento del disturbo da uso di oppiacei

settembre 30, 2019


In Italy, at the end of the 1970s, methadone hydrochloride was introduced for the treatment of opioid use disorder, in the form of a racemic mixture consisting of levomethadone and dextromethadone.
In 2015 Levometadone was introduced, a new formulation marketed in Italy for the treatment of opioid use disorder in 2015.
The article aims to bring the experience of an Italian Addiction Centre back to the use of this new formulation in the “real life” analyzing the efficacy, the trend of adverse events and pharmacological iterations in a context in which the treated population often uses besides the opiates, cocaine and alcohol, are burdened by a relevant physical and psychic comorbidity and frequently have a prescribed polypharmacy.


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