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Saggi, Studi e Ricerche

No. 52 (2018)

Psychosocial rehabilitation methods: A social coaching and homing coaching project

giugno 21, 2019


This work analyzes a project of social coaching and homing support delivered to a group of patients suffering from addiction problems.  These patients need psychosocial rehabilitation interventions in the perspective of recovery.  The project is sustained by the AULSS 4 Veneto Orientale Addiction’s Unit (Ser.D).
The abstract illustrates the project’s rehabilitative aspects and provides a quantitative assessment of the  project’s outcomes  referring to a group of 29 patients treated between 2015 and 2018.
The quantitative assessment was performed using a questionnaire assembled using the HoNOS scale as a reference.

The work also mentions the narrative dimension of the relationship between the patient and his occupational therapist trough the analysis of two fragments of that relationship. 

The above analysis is studied in depth in order to show how occupational therapy can enable the occupational therapist to become a facilitator in terms of the elaboration of psychic aspects for the patient and at the same time someone who can enhance the patient’s social skills.

 Although it is evident how the use of a limited sample, the observational nature of the work in itself and the use of a non- validated questionnaire all constitute a methodological limit, most of the treated cases  show an improvement in the scores related to psychosocial skills.

In particular the improvement is more evident in those who had at least 18 months of treatment.
In conclusion, it is considered valid to give continuity to the project by extending its application to a wider range of patients and meanwhile to improve the study’s results evaluation.


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