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Newsletter "Clinica dell'Alcolismo"

No. 49 (2018)


febbraio 23, 2018




  1. Bogstrand S.T., Gjerde H., Normann P.T., Rossow I., Ekeberg Ø. (2012). Alcohol, psychoactive substances and non-fatal road traffic accidents – a case-control study. BMC Public Health, Sep, 3(12): 734.
  2. Eensoo D., Paaver M., Harro J. (2011). Drunk driving among novice drivers, possible prevention with additional psychological module in driving school curriculum. Ann Adv Automot Med., 55: 283-91.
  3. Elder R.W., Shults R.A., Sleet D.A., Nichols J.L., Thompson R.S., Rajab W., Task Force on Community Preventive Services (2004). Effectiveness of mass media campaigns for reducing drinking and driving and alcohol-involved crashes: a systematic review. Am J Prev Med., Jul, 27(1): 57-65.
  4. EMCDDA (2007). Annual report: the state of the drugs problem in Europe, Lisbona.
  5. EMCDDA (2008). Annual report: the state of the drugs problem in Europe, Lisbona.
  6. ETSC European Transport Safety Council (2012). Drink Driving: Towards Zero Tolerance, Aprile.
  7. ETSC European Transport Safety Council (2015). Ranking EU progress on road safety - 9th Road Safety Performance Index Report, Giugno.
  8. Freydier C., Berthelon C., Bastien-Toniazzo M., Gineyt G. (2014). Divided attention in young drivers under the influence of alcohol. J Safety Res., Jun, 49: 13-8.
  9. Gjerde H., Normann P.T., Christophersen A.S., Mørland J. (2011). Prevalence of driving with blood drug concentrations above proposed new legal limits in Norway: estimations based on drug concentrations in oral fluid. Forensic Sci Int., Jul, 15, 210(1-3): 221-7.
  10. Gjerde H., Normann P.T., Christophersen A.S., Samuelsen S.O., Mørland J. (2011). Alcohol, psychoactive drugs and fatal road traffic accidents in Norway: a case-control study. Accid Anal Prev., May, 43(3): 1197-203.
  11. GRSP Global Road Safety Partnership (2007). Drinking and Driving: a road safety manual for decision-makers and practitioners.
  12. Impinen A., Rahkonen O., Karjalainen K., Lintonen T., Lillsunde P., Ostamo A. (2009). Substance use as a predictor of driving under the influence (DUI) rearrests. a 15-year retrospective study. Traffic Inj Prev., Jun, 10(3): 220-6.
  13. Istat, ACI (2015). ACI-Istat: battuta d’arresto nel calo delle vittime stradali. L’aumento del 5,4% dei morti in città compromette il dato nazionale (–0,6%). Roma, Novembre.
  14. Kelly E., Darke S., Ross J. (2004). A review of drug use and driving: epidemiology, impairment, risk factors and risk perceptions. Drug Alcohol Rev., Sep, 23(3): 319-44.
  15. Ministero della Salute (2007). Piano Nazionale Alcol e Salute, Roma.
  16. Regione Emilia Romagna. Piano Nazionale Geco-giovani evoluti e consapevoli, 2009-2010.
  17. Regione Emilia Romagna. Linee di indirizzo alle Aziende Sanitarie della Regione Emilia Romagna per la valutazione dell’idoneità alla guida dei soggetti segnalati per guida in stato di ebbrezza alcolica DGR 1423/ 2004. Circolare integrativa n. 1/2010.
  18. Woratanarat P., Ingsathit A., Suriyawongpaisal P., Rattanasiri S., Chatchaipun P., Wattayakorn K., Anukarahanonta T. (2009). Alcohol, illicit and non-illicit psychoactive drug use and road traffic injury in Thailand: a case-control study. Accid. Anal. Prev. May, 41(3): 651-7.
  20. citizen_100924_en.pdf).


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