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Contributi Scientifici

No. 49 (2018)


febbraio 22, 2018


The Author deals with a new therapeutic tool aimed to cut down tobacco health problems i.e. cannabis which has got a very slow THC content and therefore no narcotic effect. Of course, since that cannabis does not contain nicotine at all, people smoking such stuff everyday will never become nicotine addicts eventually. He puts his evaluation inside the conceptual frame of latest FDA policy about tobacco health problems in the US i.e. the eradication of compulsion for cigarettes as the number one goal and the diffusion of low nicotine content (or better no nicotine content ) cigarettes as the mean to achieve it. He argues that first of all we should be sure there is no risk to get THC-positive urine samples from people who will smoke or heat such cannabis products and tells of his personal self experimentation about that issue.


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