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Saggi, Studi e Ricerche

No. 46 (2016)

Piaceri di diverso genere. Donne e alcol: risposte non più disattendibili

  • Anna Paola Lacatena
  • Paola Monopoli
  • Vincenza Ariano
aprile 21, 2017


Can we really believe that women’s use of psychotropic substances is as limited with respect to men as national data, and others, would have us believe?
A study using the administration of MAST tests on the youth population of Taranto, conducted over the last 12 months by the Street Unit “Metroland”, in collaboration with the Department of Pathological Addiction (Dipartimento delle Dipendenze Patologiche) of ASL Taranto, seems toundermine this notion.
From here, careful consideration towards reviewing crave-blocking methods would suggest the taking charge along with provision of care by the Addiction Services.
So it does not seem superfluous to restate that all patients are not the same, perhaps beginning with their gender.


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