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Newsletter "Clinica dell'Alcolismo"

No. 46 (2016)

La terapia farmacologia dell’alcolismo: il sodio oxibato (acido gamma-idrossibutirrico- GHB) farmaco anti-alcol approvato dall’organismo regolatorio italiano per la pratica clinica. Parte III

aprile 21, 2017


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  37. Caputo F., Skala K., Walter H., Ceccanti M., Djurkowski M., Filipecka E., Florkowski A., Gerra G., Holzbach R., Horodnicki J., Platz W., Spazzapan B., Zblowska H., Bernardi M., Cacciaglia R., Vivet P., Lesch O.M., Addolorato G. (2013), “Sodium oxibate in the prevention of alcohol relapses in alcohol dependent patients (GATE 2 Study)”, Alcohol and Alcoholism, 48: S1-i33.
  38. Caputo F., Skala K., Mirijello A., Ferulli A., Walter H., Lesch O., Addolorato G. (2014a), “Sodium oxybate in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome: a randomized double-blind comparative study versus oxazepam. The GATE 1 trial”, CNS Drugs, 28: 743-752.
  39. Caputo F., Del Re A., Brambilla R., Grignaschi A., Vignoli T., Vigna-Taglianti F., Addolorato G., Zoli G., Cibin M., Bernardi M. (2014b), “Sodium oxybate in maintaining alcohol abstinence in alcoholic patients according to Lesch typology: a pilot study”, Journal of Psychopharmacology, 28: 23-30.
  40. Caputo F., Mirijello A., Cibin M., Mosti A., Ceccanti M., Domenicali M., Bernardi M., Maremmani I., Addolorato G., for the “Twentieth Anniversary of the Use of SMO in Italy” Group” (2015), “Novel strategies to treat alcohol dependence with sodium oxybate according to clinical practice”, European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 19: 1315-1320.
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