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No. 46 (2016)

Che cosa so di... Il ruolo della Cannabis e dei Cannabinoidi nelle malattie del fegato: review della letteratura

aprile 21, 2017


In many States of USA and some Italian regions, marijuana has been legalized as medical drug.
So, a process of cannabis decriminalization is in place throughout the West.
The debate about cannabis goes on politically and socially with contrasting aspects.
Both as regards the recreational use, it should be recalled that is considered harmful (to a different extent) by virtually all the experts; both in terms of therapeutic use, considered promising by many researchers, but for which the results really sure still seem limited to a few ambit.
This paper provides a review to groped to shed light on this topic both on the legal peculiarities and medical prescribing, and especially regarding the many biological effects of cannabis and cannabinoids (the active ingredient of cannabis) on the liver.


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