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Saggi, Studi e Ricerche

No. 45 (2016)

Comparazione tra nativi digitali e adulti nell’approccio alla “rete”: analisi delle differenze e del rischio di IAD Una indagine ASL Milano 1 - CS&L

aprile 21, 2017


There are many studies and researches dedicated to the IAD from 15-20 years approximately. Nowadays it’s so easy to surf the Internet that the number of Internet users has increased, especially among teenagers (also called digital natives); that’s why in this generation it’s easy to think that the risk of developing a IAD is higher than before.
Asurvey can show us this problem: a group of under 18 students and a group of adults have done a test (checked by dr K. Young) about how much they are used to surf the net to establish their risk of IAD (which can be classified as a low, medium or high profile). Results show that 34,5% of under 18 has a medium profile while among the adults the percentage is of 4.20%. For this reason it seems that teenagers are closer to IAD than the adults.
However the high risk is of 1.10% among the under 18 and of 0.84% among the adults which is a not statistically significant difference. So we can make another hypothesis: some teenagers achieve a medium profile but it doesn’t evolve into a high profile of IAD as if there were coltural “antibodies” against the problem. To find a policy against the IAD it’s quite important to choose to believe to the first or to the second hypothesis: in fact they have different ways to act. Believing to the first one, we should spend researches for the selective and the indicated prevention. Believing to the second one it’s better to focus on informations, advertisements on tablets and smartphones and advices for a correct use. It’s recommended to do other researches to find out more demonstrations to those theories.


  1. Kimberly S. Young (2000), Presi nella rete. Intossicazione e dipendenza da Internet, Calderoni Edizioni (a cura di T. Cantelmi).
  2. Kimberly S. Young (1996), “The Emergence of a New Clinical Disorder”, Cyberpsycology and Behavior, vol. 1, n. 3: 237-244.
  3. Raian Ali et al. (2015), The Emergency Requirement for Digital Addiction Labels, Bournemouth University UK,
  4. Smallwood D. (2008), Articoli tratti da
  5. Saccà F. (2012), Articoli tratti da
  6. È vero che esiste la dipendenza da Internet?, a cura di dr. F. Tonioni (Policlinico
  7. Gemelli - Roma), Articolo tratto da (2013).


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