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Saggi, Studi e Ricerche

No. 45 (2016)

Studio preliminare sullo stile parentale percepito in un campione di giovani tossicodipendenti di sesso maschile

aprile 21, 2017


Several factors are considered to underlie the development of dependence. In particular, our study evaluates the relationship between addiction and parental perceptions in a sample of young drug users aged between 18-24 years. It is shown that the examinees present a dysfunctional perception of the educational and affective role of their parents with different results between father and mother. The father appears disengaged and negligent, while the mother has a controlling behavior without affection. This condition is associated with the structure in the young of a personality disorder and a specific narcissistic lifestyle. The hypothesis is that the emotional and affective dysregulation of young people surveyed is linked to a problematic parental relationship. The development of dysfunctional personalities and addiction to drugs follow this phenomenological development. The search for drugs aims at modulating and mitigating the emotional and affective dysregulation that these individuals have.


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