Although drunk driving has been the subject of numerous national and local campaigns and prevention and health promotion programs and interventions since the 1990s, the issue cannot be considered resolved. If we can assume that there is greater awareness of the risks compared to the past, what does determine the adoption of this behavior?
This was the question that gave rise to a study conducted as part of the EMDAS (European Masters in Drugs and Alcohol Studies) Master on which this article is based. The study involved 170 young people between 18 and 30 years old residing in the province of Bergamo through an anonymous online survey aimed at detecting in particular the relationship between awareness of risks and consistency with the behaviors performed. The results were then compared and discussed in light of the evidence emerging from the literature at European and international level.
The study provides interesting information on the motivations that push young people to drive after drinking and provides useful elements for the design of targeted preventive interventions and tools for evaluating their effectiveness.
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