This article aims to provide some insights into substance use during adolescence, with a focus on the relational dynamics that take place within the Family System. Introducing the "Gruppo Parola" project, a support group specifically tailored for couples with adolescent children engaged in substance abuse. The group sessions were structured as a series of 20 meetings, with each session lasting 1.30h, held at the Department of Addiction in Pordenone. A total of 10 participants (5 couples: 5 M, 5 W) actively took part in the sessions as parent pairs. Perceived Self-Efficacy in Positive Emotion Management Scale, Perceived Self-Efficacy in Negative Emotion Management Scale, and Perceived Parental Self-Efficacy in Relationship with Children Questionnaire, were administered both at the beginning and end of the meetings to assess changes over time. All three perceived self-efficacy scales exhibited statistically significant increases: Perceived Self-Efficacy in Positive Emotion Management Scale p<0.05, Perceived Self-Efficacy in Negative Emotion Management Scale: p<0.05; Perceived Parental Self-Efficacy in Relationship with Children Questionnaire: p<0.05. Additionally, an examination of the summary from the group dialogues was conducted to identify recurring themes that emerged from the participants' narratives. The increase in scores on the self-efficacy scales may indicate parents developing positive beliefs about their ability to effectively manage stressful life events in relation to their children, through mutual support and sharing.