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Saggi, Studi e Ricerche

No. 63-64 (2023)

Individual and group counselling for adult children of alcoholic patients. A study in a local health service in west Milan

novembre 23, 2023


This article aims to examine whether prevention and intervention strategies, outlined in Services for Addiction (SERD), should pay special attention to the adult children of alcoholics (ACoAs) who are  individuals struggling with alcohol use disorder (AUD). Through a comprehensive review of the scientific literature, the article will explore the psychological impact of being raised in families with alcohol abuse problems, highlighting the possible negative consequences on the mental health and quality of life of children of alcoholics. In line with the Italian Ministry of Health 2022 White Paper on Alcoholism, which promotes prevention and the involvement of families in treatment programs, the Nucleo Operativo Alcologia (ASST OVEST MI) in Legnano, Italy, has offered individual and group counseling to the ACoAs. From the consultations, the recognised needs of the ACoAs included: listening to emotions, especially anger and guilt, prevention of alcohol abuse and violent acts, psycho-health education on the mechanisms of addiction and coping.  In conclusion this article highlights the importance of considering ACoAs as a priority population in addiction prevention and treatment initiatives, providing a basis for more comprehensive and inclusive health strategies.


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