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Saggi, Studi e Ricerche

No. 59 (2022)

Thinking about the cure: Model of intervention in the psychotherapeutic management of patients with addictive pathologies. A combined treatment with EMDR and Mindfulness

novembre 11, 2022


This article presents a framework for reading and treating “sensitive to attachement theory” of addiction disorders, proposed in the clinics of the SerD of Bergamo. This approach arises from the integration between the constructivist intersubjective therapy model and other psysotherapeutic techniques (EMDR and mindfulness).Traumatized patients often found the apparent resolution of their problems in addictive substances or behaviors (coping strategy). the maturation of the amygdala and the orbitofrontal cortex can be affected by early trauma and toxic stress. EMDR and mindfulness can be used to promote the integration of traumatic experiences. The goal to be achieved is to free people from the repetition of rigid models and dysfunctional behaviors so that they can regain their freedom.


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