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Contributi Scientifici

No. 58 (2022)

Caratteristiche e percorsi in persone in carico al SerDP: l’uso dell’MMPI-2

ottobre 19, 2022


This study concerns a research conducted on 329 individuals divided into three groups: 109 patients in charge of the Pathological Addiction Service (SerDP) Pianura dell’AUSL of Bologna (group of drug addicts), 110 patients followed with a psychological treatment at the AUSL of Bologna in the context of The Protection of Minors or in psychotherapy at private facilities (group of patients in treatment) and 110 students of psychology or workers (non-clinical group).
There are three research questions to which the present work seeks an answer.
The first is related to the possibility of identifying through the use of MMPI-2 a typical personality profile of the addict who turns to the SerDP.
The second is related to the possibility of identifying among SerDP patients a typical personality profile of the alcohol user, rather than the user of cannabinoids, opioids or cocaine, through the results that emerge from the MMPI-2.
The third research question aims, starting from the results emerged, to suggest which good practices can facilitate collaboration between different services such as CSM, SerDP, NPIA and SPDC in the design and maintenance of the treatment pathways of cases with comorbidities between Substance Use Disorder (DUS) and mental disorder.
The results support the hypothesis that those who turn to SerDP show specific symptoms and some typical and recurrent personality characteristics of clinical relevance, detectable by the MMPI-2 test.
On the basis of this evidence, the need to prepare, where they are not already foreseen, methodological paths of collaboration, joint management and treatment of comorbid patients involving the operators of the various territorial services seems central.


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