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Contributi Scientifici

No. 57 (2022)

La camaleonticità delle addictions tra territorio e carcere. L’esperienza presso i Servizi per le Dipendenze della ASL Caserta

luglio 19, 2022


The aim of this work is to propose a global and complex vision of the phenomenon of addictions, with an eye reserved for those without substances, drawing on living experience from daily clinical practice in a Service specifically designed to treat new addictions. We will observe them through the phenomenological method, which seems to suggest that they are an epiphenomenomenon of a global crisis of the World of Life as understood by Husserl (2008).
This work will constantly move along the awareness of the tragedy underlying the new addictions but at the same time going beyond the mere phenomenal manifestation: they will thus be considered in their bio-psycho-social breadth in an attempt not to lose the sense of what is not only a disorder but also a post-contemporary epidemiological crisis because today it spreads faster than any current treatment put in the field, whether operational or preventive. It is a crisis that affects the Social World […] the Bodily World […] the Emotional World […] the Psychic World […] Finally, we will walk the corridors of a non-place of life such as the prison to observe what subtly changes in this sphere also within it.
In the operative and territorial clinic of the old and new addictions, psychotherapy would seem to play a fundamental role […] Our aim will be to try to deal with and embrace all this even if only skimming this complexity together with some initial data emerged from the experiences carried out in the last years at the UOC Behavioural Addictions of the ASL Caserta.


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