This study is characterized by short time interval of evaluation during treatment, for patients suffering from pathological gambling (PG). Between Jenuary 2018 and December 2019, 102 patients (Addiction Service, Padua) have been evaluated at intake (T0) (interview and Gambling Follow-Up Scale GFS) and reassessed respectively at 3 (T1), 6 (T2), 12 (T3) months from T0 (short interview and GFS). 79,4% are males (n=81); mean age (±DS): 47,8±15,9 years (21-82). 26,6% (n=21) play slot machine, 10,8% (n=11) VLT. Patients who play scratch cards have a higher mean age vs. VLT (p=.009), slot (p=.005), bet (p<.001). At T0 patients present an average of 6 DSM-5 criteria out of 9; 36,3% (n=37) present a moderate level of PG. The two most reported DSM-5 criteria are: 7 (telling lies) (91,2%) and 3 (efforts to control/cut back) (88,2%). From T0 to T1, the presence of each DSM-5 criteria have diminished (p<.000). First months from the beginning of treatment may be a significant period in order to implement appropriate interventions since patient may be more adherent and motivated. Even though data from T1 to T2 do not present statistical evidence, they may suggest the hypothesis of presence of specific “trajectories” for each DSM-5 criteria during the evaluation of PG patients. Treatment should be focused on relational environment and multifactorial components related to the attribution of criteria 3 and 7. Assessing patients during treatment may foster the overall evaluation.