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Contributi Scientifici

No. 54 (2020)

L’impatto della infezione da SARS-CoV-2 nei setting operativi. La riformulazione di alcuni interventi al Ser.D. di Alcamo

dicembre 11, 2020


The arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic has significantly changed the approach to various intervention modalities in the Ser.D. and with the arrival of the lockdown, many projects and operational paths that were not of an urgent nature were postponed, including above all the prevention and health promotion activities.
Group activities were also blocked, consequently the final meetings of the experiential groups aimed at restoring personal well-being were canceled.
These paths were stopped, precisely, in a final phase of verification and restitution, leaving the members of the groups and the operators in a temporary state of suspension.
Are illustrates the alternative strategies adopted and the adhesion and the experiences of patients.


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  2. Rispoli L. (2004). Esperienze di Base e sviluppo del Sé. Milano: FrancoAngeli.
  3. Rispoli L., Di Nuovo S. (2011). L’Analisi Funzionale dello Stress. Milano: FrancoAngeli.
  4. Rispoli L. (2016). Il corpo in psicoterapia oggi. Neo-Funzionalismo e Sistemi integrati. Milano: FrancoAngeli.
  5. Rispoli L. (2020). Virus, vita e potenzialità. 20 luglio, luc@admin.


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