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Contributi Scientifici

N. 62 (2023)

Il dialogo con il laboratorista tossicologo sulla valutazione e gestione dei casi borderline

20 dicembre 2023


In recent years, addiction specialists have been increasingly urged to try their hand at a world characterized by increasingly varied and different substances which represent a challenge for the clinic and for the formulation of a careful diagnosis.
In recent years, the intake of new psychoactive substances such as synthetic cannabinoids, cathinones, MDPV (methylenedioxypyrovalerone) has become widespread, which can be associated with a dangerous sexual practice known as chemsex, especially present in cities with a high population density.
At the Ser. The collaboration between the SMEL Clinical Chemical Analysis and Microbiology Laboratory of the Lodi Hospital and the Ser.D. has continued for more than two years, having implemented the protocol for the search for substances of abuse both on urinary toxicological tests and on the matrix keratin in the monitoring of drug addiction.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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  11. Servizio Dipendenze ASST Lodi, sito web,


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