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Contributi Scientifici

N. 60 (2022)

Il disturbo da gioco d’azzardo online: buone prassi ed ipotesi di trattamento

20 aprile 2023


DSM V has conceptualized for the fi rst time the Gambling Disorder which is sorted amongst the addictions, within the category of “non related with substances”; as of the previous release of DSM it was classified as “urges control disorder”.
Meanwhile there is a rising interest upon the subject between clinicians and scholars to improve conceptualizing, understanding and therefore indentify the best treatment options.
It is thus essential to consider the gambling disorder in all its complexity; paying also attention on the recent growth of online gambling.
Nowadays most of the patients accessing public and private Services with a diagnosis of gambling disorder tend to prefer online play and thus the clinician is set on new challenges and must rethink and modify the intervention.
The purpose of this article is to introduce the gambling disorder phenomenon, with due attention on its online declination, and successively postulate a course of treatment given its peculiarities.

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