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Materiali per la ricerca e l'approfondimento

No. 128 (2023)

Implications and challenges of the implementation of Decree DM 77/2022 in territorial healthcare: the case of the Alessandria Local Health Authority (ASL)

ottobre 10, 2024


Healthcare in Italy has undergone profound changes in recent years following the introduction of Ministerial Decree (DM) 77/2022 aimed at redefining the organization of territorial healthcare and enhancing the quality of services through digitization and integration of care. The Decree addresses crucial challenges related to the aging population and the increase in chronic diseases, promoting an Integrated Home Care (ADI) model that aims to reduce hospitalization, ensuring continuity of care and personalization of care directly at home.
This paper analyzes the implementation of DM 77/2022 in the Azienda Sanitaria Locale di Alessandria (ASL AL), highlighting how the reform is transforming territorial healthcare provision.
The case analysis examines the main operational challenges, and reflects on the central role of ASLs in balancing innovation with the concrete needs of the population in a context of profound structural reforms. The results highlight how the expansion of ADI has led to a significant improvement in care coverage, but also highlight critical issues related to resource management and implementation of the new facilities.
Finally, insights are offered to understand the impact of the reform and future implications for the Italian territorial health care system.


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