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No. 127 (2023)

Emotional experience, behavioral and organizational strategies implemented by Chief Nurses during the SARS-CoV2 pandemic in Trieste: A survey

maggio 31, 2024


The research aims to identify, understand and summarize the emotional skills, behavioral and organizational strategies that Chief Nurses implemented during the SARS-CoV2 pandemic.
The study was conducted through a questionnaire inspired using the Behavioural Events Interview. The analysis of data was carried out using inductive Content Analysis.
Forty-two Chief Nurses in service at ASUGI responded to the survey; the results highlight the importance of skills such as cooperation, relationship management within the team, greater flexibility in the use of skills. A new leadership
capable of coping with changing situations emerges, which experiences increased responsibilities, autonomy and operational discretion in organizations.
The project takes the form of a space for enhancing the experience and skills acquired, which can be capitalized on by the community of practice to which the professionals belong.


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