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Materiali per la ricerca e l'approfondimento

No. 126 (2023)

Strategic planning and budgeting for environmental sustainability: The case of Caltanissetta LHA

marzo 14, 2024


The objective of this paper is to illustrate the strategic planning and control activities of the Local Health Authority (LHA) of Caltanissetta (Sicily) with reference to policies on ecological transition.
The emergence from COVID-19 and the post-pandemic global scenario have placed as strategic priority of each health system the need to contain energy and thermal consumption in order to pursue sustainable development goals and to contain costs related to productive factors whose prices have increased significantly.
This context has required, and is requiring, health care organization to carefully plan the actions required to achieve the above goals. The case of the LHA of Caltanistanissetta reports a budgeting experience that starts from the analysis of the energy consumption by the different facilities and ends with the planning of targeted
interventions aimed at solving the main criticalities detected. The budgeting process will be further developed with the implementation of a measurement system aimed at monitoring energy consumption at the organizational unit level. Moreover, the organisation aims at integrating this information into the performance management system through the design and use of ad hoc performance indicators.


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