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No. 126 (2023)

Towards the reform of General Practice: To know each other in order to renew ourselves Results of the survey about the knowledge of General Practice and its future

marzo 4, 2024


The renewal of health systems is at the centre of institutional debate and the recent epidemic crisis has sharpened its relevance. The reform of primary care seems uncrustinable and the actors of the system need to know their stakeholders.
It has been changed the point of view investigating GP through the other main characters of the NHS.
The DIAS and DSC students from Lombardy answered to a survey, validated by a panel of experts, in order to investigate their knowledge and future prospects about the GP figure. The answers were heterogeneous, ad it demonstrates a partial knowledge of GP and a great difference of expectations about the future of this profession.
However, there are some fundamental points of convergence, useful for the reorganization of primary care.


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