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No. 125 (2023)

Is ICT innovating doctor-young patients’ relationships in chronic diseases? Two Italian case studies before e during the pandemic

novembre 23, 2023


Purpose. The paper aims to understand if digital healthcare can improve young and chronic patient engagement.
The interpretation follows the doctor-patient relationship, investigating whether telemedicine fosters patients’ engagement and, if they are young, also of their caregivers.
Methodology. The study analyses two Italian digital healthcare cases. A questionnaire and semi-structured interviews are administered to detect information on the new telemedicine service’s satisfaction, utility, and usability.
Context. The study shows that e-health can answer the widespread need for well-being without space and time limits, before and during the pandemic, especially in Italy. It allows the humanization of a technology-driven system, which requires strong patient and community engagement to be built simultaneously.
Main findings. E-health can be a tool to improve the doctor-patient relationship and create a sense of community among patients. Moreover, patient engagement in a technology-driven healthcare environment is necessary to implement new treatments successfully.
Conclusion. We tested new digital healthcare services unique in Italy to understand the point of view of young and chronicle patients and their caregivers to contribute to a bottom-up harmonization process of e-health.


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