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Materiali per la ricerca e l'approfondimento

No. 124 (2022)

Principles and tools of clinical governance in the healthxare sector. The case of AORN San Giuseppe Moscati of Avellino

luglio 26, 2023


In last few years, there has been a growing attention in the health sector to the continuous improvement of the quality of services and the achievement and maintenance of high standards of care. This approach, which is identified with clinical governance policies, is based on identifying the best conditions for personnel and healthcare professionals to provide effective responses to patients’ health needs, protecting the humanizing content of relationships with the latter. The tools that distinguish this approach can be traced back to the following: clinical risk
management; evaluation of performance indicators; design and implementation of diagnostic therapeutic assistance courses based on evidence-based medicine; clinical audit; creation and implementation of care pathways; research and development including the adoption
of information systems and enabling technologies; use of the Health Technology Assessment; continuous training.
The San Giuseppe Moscati Hospital of National Importance and High Specialty has for some years adopted a culture deeply oriented towards clinical governance, adopting the tools attributable to it in a complete and timely manner.


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