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Materiali per la ricerca e l'approfondimento

No. 124 (2022)

The relevance of clinical governance in the research and teaching hospital “IRCCS AOU Policlinico di Sant’Orsola” in Bologna: Culture, methods, and tools for clinician engagement

luglio 26, 2023


This contribution aims to analyze the introduction of clinical governance systems and tools within the research and teaching hospital “IRCCS AOU Policlinico di Sant’Orsola” in Bologna, Italy, starting from the early 2000s. First, we present the broad meaning of clinical governance adopted in this study, which includes the methods and techniques to achieve excellence in health care and the ability to create conditions for clinician engagement.
Following, the contribution reports the structural, organizational, and production characteristics of the research hospital. Then, we investigate the prodromes of clinical governance through a brief examination of the main changes in the regulations and policies of the Emilia-Romagna Region on this matter. Afterwards, we examine the organizational and managerial models and tools adopted by the research hospital to encourage the participation of clinicians. Finally, we discuss the importance of creating an organizational culture oriented towards clinician engagement and governance.


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