The authors, from different clinical and organizational-managerial backgrounds, outline the fundamental pillars of the systemic approach to strategic planning of the PNRR and DM 77 from the perspective of the new scenarios of Territory-Hospital Integration. An approach, therefore, that is based on the enhancement of multiple competencies existing in organizations and the co-construction of analysis and planning maps based on systemic models of “Disease Management”, thus helping to overcome self-referential visions.
In keeping with this premise, the authors outline the characteristics of applying the systemic approach typical of “Disease Management”, using Chronic Liver Disease as an exemplification of the potential implementation design and starting from the following basic questions:
- how to build a PNRR-DM 77 strategic planning process according to a systemic (clinical and managerial) view? - how to transition from hypothesized strategy to implemented strategy and translate priorities and goals into shared practice? - what potential reorganization of territorial care starting from the new organizational formulas (AFT and UCCP) indicated by DM 77 and the Contractual Agreements with contracted providers? - what potential articulation of the future integrated, intra-territorial and territory-hospital system and the new health district?
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Per gli ACN Medicina Generale, Specialistica ambulatoriale e Pediatria di Libera scelta, consulta: SISAC-Struttura Interregionale Sanitari Convenzionati: