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Materiali per la ricerca e l'approfondimento

No. 122 (2022)

Implementation of the Lean methodology for the optimization of Covid-19 testing points: the experience of Piove di Sacco

settembre 19, 2022


During the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 the need to optimize the operations inside the Italian NHS has rapidly grown. This issue was particularly significant for the management of swab testing hubs.
Some tools from the Lean methodology toolbox has been implemented in a Veneto region’s swab testing hub to map the process, collect data and define effective actions for user flow improvement. Users’ average transit time has been reduced by 73% for molecular tests and by 42% for antigen tests. In addition, errors during the check-in have been zeroed and staff satisfaction level has been increased.
The importance to meet challenges with agility, the effectiveness of an iterative approach and the relevance of the cross collaboration are the main learnings of this experience.


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